Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Sisterhood of the Ya Ya Sassy Pants!!!

Ryan's mom Skyped us this morning calling us the "The Sisterhood of the Ya Ya Traveling Pants", but I think Sassy pants is more fitting! We have Sassafras, McSass, PrinSass, and Sass. I will let you be the judge of which one I am!

Delhi at 630 in the morning is quite peaceful, no honking in the roads, no wild drivers, just you and the road...ooooooommmmm! Ryan, Erin, Michael, and I try to swim as much as we can and 7am fits best with Ryan and Michael's Physio time and our yoga time and my running time....we are busy!!! A Frenchi at the pool said that he can tell I am a good swimmer by looking at my shoulders, thanks dad for these wonderful shoulders! I guess it was a compliment?

We even got to venture out today and go to India gate, which is the equivalent of L'Arc de Triumph in Paris, it was very beautiful! We then preceded to walk to the Parliament and on the way was a really nice park, which is very refreshing to see that people in India can slow down for a few minutes and look up at the magnificent clouds! At the park there were some boys playing cricket, the NFL of India. Michael being sort of a fanatic for sports was drawn to them like a magnet, i think the locals love it when foreigners make fools of themselves! Well, Michael did a nice pitching job and guess who was up to bat.....Ryan! It was fantastic!

The not so fantastic part was our ride to dinner, we hopped in to a meter rickshaw (usually we negotiate prices before) and the driver kept going around and around and east and west and stopping a gazillion times asking for directions that he doesn't know how to we decided enough was enough and paid the gentleman 10 rupees (25 cents) for wasting our time and got into another rickshaw only to get ripped off yet again, but its the name of the game! Plus whats a dollar right!?!

Ryan has a procedure tomorrow, its an injection in her spinal muscles! Hope the tiny little healers travel to areas that need the most love! We love little healing people!

Speaking of healing, indulging in ice cream has never felt so good! I feel as though my night is not complete without a scoop of ice cream!!! mmmmmmm

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